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50+ Years of SWOT Analysis is the standard for how teams perform SWOT Analysis and more

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Celebrating 50+ Years of SWOT Analysis

The SWOT Analysis has been a global standard for over 50 years.  In 2016, we moved the SWOT Analysis to the cloud.  Teams no longer need to work around powerpoint templates and no longer need to be in the same meeting room to effectively perform various strategic analysis exercises.   We wanted to make the SWOT Analysis more collaborative and significantly increase the diversity of input leaders could gather from their teams, customers, and partners.  

We wanted to make the SWOT Analysis more collaborative and significantly increase the diversity of input leaders could gather from their teams, customers, and partners.  

We achieved this by adding the ability to invite other users to your SWOT Analysis and allowing for any invited user to share their input via the online SWOT Analysis, as well as, star other users input to help leaders focus on the most valuable content submitted.  The invite functionality changes the dynamic of a SWOT Analysis as it allows every voice to be heard, not just the loudest, and also allows for members of the team to share their input at anytime during the window you provide.  By moving the SWOT Analysis to the cloud we also make it incredibly easy to refer back to all your past SWOT Analysis’s from any device.   

The SWOT Analysis Cloud has revolutionized the way people come together to think and make strategic decisions.  In a decentralized world, the SWOT Analysis Cloud allows teams from around the globe to come together and think together in a structured, methodical way.  It layers on the power of the internet by allowing others to star the top inputs and make these important decisions easy to reference in the future when they come back into question.


The SWOT Analysis Cloud key features: Online vs PPT Template 

When the early influences of SWOT Analysis were launched in the 1960’s the primary method for capturing input were large easels.  Then in with the proliferation of the computer we saw powerpoint become the standard for how teams would capture their inputs.  And today with the internet in everyone’s pocket, SWOT Analysis has moved online with collaborative templates and easy cloud access from any device.   

Larger feedback circle vs small group sessions 

Traditionally SWOT Analysis has been conducted in small group environments typically during annual offsite.  As a result, the SWOT Analysis has been limited to in-frequent use, limited participation, and group think.  Today, the SWOT Analysis Cloud is used in everyday decisions from entering new markets to launching new products.  The breathe of input from every corner of the globe vs small groups is providing teams and leadership deeper, more diversified inputs to make better decisions.  

Harvard Business Review recently published an article. "Why Brainstorming Works Better Online" emphasizing "Virtual brainstorming enhances creative performance – versus in-person brainstorming sessions – by almost 50% of a standard deviation."

Virtual brainstorming enhances creative performance – versus in-person brainstorming sessions – by almost 50% of a standard deviation.

Collaborative real-time rating vs reliant on in-person discussion

Group think has typically rewarded the loudest voice.  Today, the SWOT Analysis Cloud allows everyone to share their opinions on their own time and in their own voice.  They can review others input and rate what they believe in most important without needing to justify their opinions or fearing backlash.  Leaders get honest, real feedback on what the most factors they should consider. 

Easy to access in the cloud vs emailed ppt files 

In the past after a SWOT Analysis is completed it is often hard to relocate.  Teams leave the offsite and re-emerge themselves back in to there busy day to day schedules.  Today, the modern SWOT Analysis lives in the cloud and easy for everyone to access at any time from any device.  If you want to refer back to last quarters SWOT, or do a quick team SWOT on a new opportunity - its all just a click away from any device. 

The benefits of promoting structured critical thinking in your organization is simple - it creates better decisions. These decisions can be the key to growing your business, cutting the right costs, hiring the right people, understanding the real problems.  When you remove opinion, focus on facts, widen the circle of input, and allow structured thought to happen 24/7, 365 days a year - it can have a dramatic impact on your organizations results.